How to Find Financial Stability No one ever wishes to find themselves in a financial mess, but it sometimes happens. And contrary to some popular belief, financial difficulties are only sometimes a result of financial irresponsibility. Many people experience financial problems that put them in a position where they can’t pay their loans or bills for reasons other than financial mismanagement. Most of the time, facing financial difficulties can be highly stressful and even impact your mental and physical health. Some Examples of Financial Hardship Many life incidents or situations can derail financial plans and impact them emotionally and financially. Some examples of economic hardship are: Family or personal health issues or injury Loss in business or income Going through a bad relationship or domestic violence The sudden death of a spouse or partner Are you facing any of these examples of financial hardship? If yes, this blog will help…
Best Financial Empowerment Tips Financial empowerment is not about how much money you have but how you handle your money. In a recent study, 80% of Indians identified finance as their #1 stressors. Many are just one unexpected medical bill, expensive car repair, or some other money emergency away from financial disaster. But there is hope. Financial empowerment can provide a sense of relief, knowing that you have the tools to handle these situations. Financial empowerment is all about taking control of your finances, instead of feeling like they control you. It’s about feeling empowered and in charge of your financial future. Financial empowerment is about setting clear financial goals, building and executing plans to maintain your chosen lifestyle, and having a strategy to handle unexpected financial challenges and emergencies that pop up along the way. Whether you earn entry-level earnings or make six figures, becoming financially empowered is about…
What is Passive Income? Passive income is any money you make without having to work for it. You don’t have to do anything to earn it actively. Once the initial work is done, the income flows in regularly. This type of income is especially beneficial because it allows you to make money while you sleep, travel, or focus on other things. You can make passive income, such as writing eBooks, freelancing work, writing a blog, or selling items on any e-commerce website. Passive income is a great way of generating money while working on other projects or relaxing at home. How to Achieve Financial Independence through Passive Income Financial independence is a goal that many people aspire to. The idea of not having to work for money and instead relying on passive income is quite appealing. The key to achieving financial independence through the power of passive income is diversifying…
Reasons To Say No To Credit Cards It seems that we have the money and we can meet every demand at any time. But the consequence is that we have to PAYBACK that amount must and within a specific time limit and if we delay in payment then it instantly adds interest. “The handy thing about credit cards is that they are a great way to pay off your credit cards” True, that exactly happens with most of us, to pay off one credit card we use another and that is paid by another one. It creates a circle of payment with credit cards and it continues. The credit card creates artificial and temporary solvency which you would not belong to us. Here are some of the logical reasons why not to use credit cards Living Without Budget Budget means expanding according to the earnings. If you can live according…